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Translations Editing Language Checking Assistance


 voluntary translations assistanceTranslations


video titles & subtitles and some other items

translation / editing / language checking

ErgocareBank -project – Ergonomic solution: videos

YouTube offers machine translations for ex. English to Albanian which, at best, might provide a
translator / editor / language checker with some kind of help.

Click the Multilingual playlist online translation editing video

to play and edit the video for the above image and one more.

The following languages are ready for editing: Afrikaans, Arabic, Armenian, Bangla, Basque, Bulgarian, Danish, Dutch, Filipino, Gujarati,
Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Japanese, Lao, Latvia, Malay, Mongolian, Nepali, Norwegian, Persia, Polish,
Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Swahili, Tamil, Telugu, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Uzbek, Vietnamese, Zulu.

b) Three further Multilingual playlists are in need of voluntary online titles & subtitles translating/editing contributions
Multilingual 02 (CA, EU, PT, FR) |
Multilingual 03 (LT, TR, AR) ●●● |
Multilingual 04 (SQ, ZH, JP, RU) |

Please glance over both, the HELP file & read the description of the respective Multilingual playlist!) before attempting to edit
machine translations!

Whoever is dealing with the video titles & subtitles and any other section of the web page may wish to get credit in form of being
mentioned on the video for ex. like:
 ”translated by name and probably email address”
and we will do so upon request and according to agreement.
Additionally, a translator might be able to obtain academic credits from his University for these translation tasks.

If a language flag is wished to be added the menu, translations are also needed for the Home page, the pages Logo, and the video page.
Several more element would be good to be translated, like the ErgocareBank poster and the  ESPHM logo,
optionally some additional pages might be considered worth translating.

Looking forward to hearing from you, Leena, letampe[at]gmail[dot]com



The Ergonomic Databank for Social & Health Care -Portal - ErgocareBank. EESPHM Economic Ergonomic Safe Patient Handling Movement | Mobility in Nursing Home, Home Care- and Elderly Care-Work.
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